Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Rockies

Hearing those words are almost harder to handle than a shattered heart. Believing that these words are true could be worse.

I sit on the corner of 16th listening to the complaints on people's faces. On the other side I view the two that couldn't be bothered. Forever will I remember.

All of this makes me grimly smile at how much no one knows I see.

There goes that guy on a bike who seems to enjoy his paid time, not sure if he earns to dive into the seed.

Only wishing I had thoughts that drove me to jot down harmonies to fill my ear to the fullest.

There is one person that sticks to my brain like cement, the only thing I desire is to ignore it and chip away at the nuisance of this long standing statue.

Only wanting to be as satisfied as the souls that are at the end of Curtis Corner. Blowing slowly is this wind, begging to give me some muscle to offer me some relief. I am fine.

1 comment:

Mark Ward said...

You are crush my heart wonderful:)