Saturday, December 5, 2009

Second Entry

Wanting it to not have started, just as much I wanted it to end. So morbid to always have to think like that.

I want it to be different and to what extreme I can not even begin to explain; such a large complex.

I don't want to know you, yet I could not wait and can't wait to have you.

To hunger for you always drain every inch of me, that all I want to do is stay so ever still.

While I severely rock to the sensation that shortly overcomes me, I try and create a high that once did exist.

I never want to love. This being the one thing I never was expecting to see; was me in you.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Bath

She knew her heart would break the moment she let him into her head. She wonders if this is the reason she feels no pain; this was a fortune that had already predicted her way.
She cries no tears and almost feeds off a sense of calmness embraced with her knitted chaotic blanket. Almost bothersome that she falls asleep, with an escape of okay.

The beautiful troubled soul is loved and hated for opening something that she feels will never be closed.

All too much that day it glanced at her; what she would give to have the ability to see.
After it all she no longer wants to plea; being too much to exhale.

She will pray for the ever longing stare she wants to forever keep.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


There is nothing as soothing than the outer warmth that is supplied by him. Making me only aching for more.

Only to that is this seductively savvy.
I dont want to stand this talking that is driving me to retreat into a shell built all over my very own.

All I beg for is a pin drop of peace to sort through random thoughts. Why is this too much to take in and to some so easy to misunderstand.

I would give the most to know how to speak the words with the right spellings. Exhausting it all.
Always waiting so you would be satisfied just until the wheels spin.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Rockies

Hearing those words are almost harder to handle than a shattered heart. Believing that these words are true could be worse.

I sit on the corner of 16th listening to the complaints on people's faces. On the other side I view the two that couldn't be bothered. Forever will I remember.

All of this makes me grimly smile at how much no one knows I see.

There goes that guy on a bike who seems to enjoy his paid time, not sure if he earns to dive into the seed.

Only wishing I had thoughts that drove me to jot down harmonies to fill my ear to the fullest.

There is one person that sticks to my brain like cement, the only thing I desire is to ignore it and chip away at the nuisance of this long standing statue.

Only wanting to be as satisfied as the souls that are at the end of Curtis Corner. Blowing slowly is this wind, begging to give me some muscle to offer me some relief. I am fine.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

An Unspoken

With a feeling of an accomplishment from a project she usually dreads, she gained the thing she felt she lost.

She never speaks of the word addiction, how many forms it presents itself. This fear feeds her motivation and success.

For the first time in awhile she is seeing the light she has been driven to discover and conquer.

A prayer or an invisible blessing she has screamed to achieve.

A blessing of a pair which truly opened her eyes to an undisclosed beauty.

A beauty of simplicity and laughable grins from this random that appeared again from nowhere.

An angel of her current needs; this one being too humble to even know. For this, there is many unspoken bows and silent thank yous.

Monday, May 18, 2009


I have an inner demon that speaks to me without permission.

It feeds on my unstableness; my existence.

I can beat it down and attack on a moments notice or when my head feels heavy.

Too heavy are the old bricks, too heavy to carry as it leaks into a crumbling cave.

This thing will argue me whispering in a voice that I don't want to hear.  I refuse to listen.

Listening to myself and what I think is an actuality, and what I possess is a silent beast.

Saturday, May 16, 2009