Sunday, January 18, 2009

I define myself by the different elements of this daily drain I call the "usual".

A place I cherish, a place where I have grown too grotesque for my own skin.

It kidnaps my breath, offering a ransom to possibly let me experience it; what an utter tease.

What an awkward position to me at this very moment.  Offering this warmth to keep me at ease.

I look at it.  This can't possibly be mine- what a strange thing to speak.

I just saw it and described it; this pattern I own.

So smooth as it glides from end to end, and on.

I want everything to be like this.  It holds and contains me while all along I just want it to be done.

1 comment:

Mark Ward said... always:) This one shows your growth as a writer. You are starting to turn inward more...striving to be more reflective which is very tough but ultimately rewarding at the same time.

Reminds me of John's line

"Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans."